Welcome to Arrow Threads
“Arrow Threads”. We are a sewing thread manufacturing company with greater specialization in industrial sewing. Our establishment dates back to 4 decades and over the time we have evolved as one of the leading thread manufacturing mills in the country.
With our HQ based in Bangalore, we have business presence pan India, SriLanka, Bangladesh, Middle east, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Europe & Central America and cater to the sewing requirements of apparel industry worldwide.
Our manufacturing facility is strategically located in Bangalore to ease the turnaround time/logistics and offer our customers a complete package of Quality – Cost – Deliveries consistently.
The unit is equipped with state of the art machines that deliver extensive range of sewing threads for every kind of apparel & non apparel application.
Delivers world class sewing threads range (SSP, PPC, TLP, CFP) and
Diversely caters to the industry needs.
Our facility is compliant of all ecological requirements & all our produce is as per the standards of “Oeko tex 100 - Product class1” for past several years, which is most stringent class that covers baby wear/kids wear.
The physical & chemical properties of our products conforms to all international standards which makes us one of the preferred service providers for key global apparel brands of Europe & US.
Our quality
- Skilled and highly motivated employees
- On going investment in Research and Development
- Top Quality Raw material
- Rigorous process and quality control
- Anticipative customer service
- State of the art information system
- Our mission is to deliver innovative products, technologies and creative solutions that benefit our customer worldwide